Reaching the least-reached.
Who We Are
Awakening Lives to World Missions (ALWM) International carries out ongoing, fruitful, life changing ministry in Bangladesh, Belarus, Cambodia, Kenya, Laos, Myanmar, Tanzania, Thailand & Vietnam through our ministry partners, missionaries and strategic projects in each country. Our primary focus is on taking the Gospel of Jesus Christ to those who have not heard.
ALWM also equips congregations for purposeful obedience to God’s Call to make disciples of all nations (Matt 28:18-20, Acts 1:8).
What We Do
ALWM International offers opportunities for you and your church to have a fruitful partnership and ongoing relationship with front line ministries that are changing lives in Vietnam, Bangladesh, Belarus, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Tanzania, & Thailand. Short term mission trip opportunities as well as zoom meetings and other communication will help grow prayer support and a growing relationship with your ministry partner. For more information visit alwm.org or write partnership@alwm.org.
ALWM can also help your congregation to grow a global mission culture that purposefully and practically obeys Jesus’ call to the nations. We will help you start a new mission team, or we can help refocus and energize existing leadership
"From the moment I heard Bill Moberly speak on missions at a church leadership conference, I was so enthused and inspired personally and professionally that I sought him out to be my mentor on missions and teach me how to engage the people of our congregation personally and passionately in Great Commission work.
How We Do It
"“Thank you so much Pastor Bill for coming. It was a power packed seminar. One of our challenges in Mission Outreach has been to get the message out about our response to Jesus' commission ‘outside our doors’. The seminar helped us bridge a gap of our response to global missions. This seminar is so good for helping us put places and faces on the need for us to discover how serious we are about "all nations". In my 75+ years I've never seen such an easier to access program for lay people and in turn congregations to participate.”
ALWM offers:
Strategic International Ministry Partnerships with indigenous leaders and/or ALWM missionaries, predominantly working among unreached and least reached people groups. These are gifted, experienced and vetted leaders, who along with their teams do a variety of effective ministry that varies from country to country. You can investigate further in the where we work section.
Training resources for your church to equip you for more effective global outreach. Pastor Moberly’s book “Igniting a Passion for Mission: A Guide for Church Leaders” is widely used, along with the Harvest Connection Seminar and Harvest Focus Workshop.
Short Term Mission trips are currently offered to Cambodia, Laos, Thailand & Vietnam.