Get involved:
Ministry partnership with strategic impact.
It can be difficult to know how to effectively engage with international mission agencies and missionaries. The key is PARTNERSHIP, which is ongoing, collaborative relationship that goes beyond an occasional donation.
Purposefully partner with our international ministries and missionaries in order to reach the unreached and least reached!
In addition, you can also get involved via short term missions, and our fruitful projects. View all of our current projects here. We can also help equip and mobilize your congregation for more effective partnership and global outreach.
Partnership options
ALWM is working directly in Bangladesh, Belarus, Cambodia, Kenya, Laos, Myanmar, Tanzania, Thailand, and Vietnam, with many less than 2% Christian. Each Country has unique needs and opportunities. To learn more below.
Reach out to let us know how ALWM can help equip you for purposeful obedience to God’s Call to make disciples of all nations” (Matt 28:18-20, Acts 1:8)